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7 Cards in this Set

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Week 1 (Zygote)
The one-celled zygote multiplies and forms a blastocyst
Week 2 (Zygote)
The blastocyst burrows into the uterine lining. Structures that feed and protect the developing organism begin to form
Weeks 3 - 4 (Embryo)
A primitive brain and spinal cord appear. Heart, muscles, ribs, backbone, and digestive tract begin to development.
Weeks 5 - 8 (Embryo)
Many external body structures (face, arms, legs, toes, and fingers) and internal organs form. The sense of touch begins to develop, and the embryo can move.
Weeks 9 - 12 (Fetus)
Rapid increase in size begins. Nervous system, organs, and muscles become organized and connected, and new behavioral capacities appear. External genitals are well-formed and the fetus's sex is evident.
Weeks 13 - 24 (Fetus)
The fetus continues to enlarge rapidly. In the middle of this period, fetal movement can be felt by the mother. Vernix and languo keep the fetus's skin from chapping in the amniotic fluid. Most of the brain's neurons are present by 24 weeks. Eyes are sensitive to light and the fetus reacts to sound.
Weeks 25 - 38 (Fetus)
Fetus has good chance of surviving if born during this time. Size increases. Lungs mature. Rapid brain development causes sensory and behavioral capacities to expand. In the middle of this period, a layer of fat is added under the skin. Antibodies are transmitted from mother to fetus to protect against disease.