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45 Cards in this Set

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How does government affect your life?
Makes it more manageable, provides repercussions of your actions they may have or may not have. Gives us elections. Gives us health care. Manages our taxes.
2. What is government?
Government is the institution which society makes and enforces public policy.
3. What is government at its foundation?
A concept an idea-it exists in reality because we allow it to.
4. What do you need to survive/ live?
Food, shelter, water.
5. What is public policy?
The actions and regulations of the government.
6. What are some examples of public policy?
Domestic: Taxes. Foreign: Alliances: NATO, NAFTA.
7. What would we lose if we had no government?
Protection, we are protected against nuclear warfare.
8. What are you willing to give up for protection?
9. Define Governmental Power.
Something every government has in three different variations: legislative (power to make laws and policies), executive- power to enforce the laws. Judicial (interpret the laws and settle arising disputes.
10. What are the four criteria of a state?
Territory- land with a recognized border. Population-people. Government- The institution through which society makes and enforces public policy. Dictatorship. Democracy is the idea that everyone votes for anyone, at any time. This would not happen in a dictatorship as only one man has all the power IE Adolf Hitler. In a republic, people elect people for representing them. Sovereignty is the highest form of authority, rule, or power.
11. What is force theory?
One or a small group of people, claiming/dominating control over an area, and the people within.
12. What is evolution theory?
The state developed as an extension of the family unit. One family grows into a tribe, which grows into a clan.
13. What is the divine right theory?
God created both the state and the ruling policy.
14. What is a social contract (constitution)
equal people come together to voluntarily create a government.
How much power does the government have?
100% power
What is it called when a government has power?
An oligarchy?
What does federal mean?
State Power distribution
19. What type of government do you have when there is 0% Governmental power?
20. What is it called when there is 0% participation from the government?
A tyranny
21. What is it called when there is 100% participation plus a go between?
A republic.
22. Who does a citizen vote for?
A person who will represent the citizen’s interest in government.
23. What is a unitary government?
A single federal government in change of the entire country, and creates local unites for its own convenience. The central government gives these local units its power, and can remove their power. Two examples: Britain and France.
24. What does a state have?
Territory, Population, and Sovereignty.
25. What is force theory?
One or a small group of people, claiming/dominating control over an area, and the people within.
26. What evolution theory?
The state developed as an extension of the family unit. One family grows into a tribe, which grows into a clan.
27. What is Divine Right Theory?
God created both the state and the ruling policy.
28. What does social contract (constitution)
Equal people come together to voluntarily to create a government.
29. How much power does the government have?
100% Governmental power=dictatorship, 1 person has absolute power.
30. What are some examples of a dictatorship?
Hitler, Napoleon, Sudan Jusane, Fidel Castro, Momar Kadafi.
What is an oligarchy?
100% government power
What defines an oligarchy?
Absolute rule by a few people.
What is an anarchy
When there is no governmental power.
What is a tyranny
when there is 0% participation
What is 100% participation plus a go between?
A republic
What is a unitary government?
A single federal government in charge of the entire country and creates local unites for its own convenience. The central government gives these local units its power and can remove their power.
Describe the bubble map containing information regarding the State, Government, and the Power.
Territory, population, and sovereignty defines a state. Executive, legislative, and judical defines power.
What is a federal government?
Power is divided between a central (federal) government, and several local governments.
What is the division of powers?
Each government can make, and enforce its own laws.
What is a confederation?
An alliance of independent states.
What is a central government?
Only has the power which the member states have given to it.
What is a legislative and executive relationship?
A complete separation of the legislative and executive branches, w/ a president in charge of the executive.
What can the legislature do to the president?
He can remove the president with an impeachment.
What is a parliamentary government?
When both branches are combined into one body, with a prime minister in charge.
What describes a parliamentary government?
A party with the majority in the legislature, then picks the Prime Minister.
What can a legislature do to a prime minister?
He can remove him with a "vote of no confidence."