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121 Cards in this Set

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The official public prayer of the church.
Stories that Jesus told to the people of his time.
Part of the Bible where we learn the life and teachings of Jesus.
New Testement
Devotion in the Church that reminds us of Jesus' suffering and death.
Stations of the Cross
Respecting the rights of others and giving them what is rightfully theirs.
This word is another name for God's faithfulness to his people.
The first book of the Bible
Another name for the sacred scriptures
Turning away from sin and living the way God wants us to live
A good habit that helps us to act according to God's love for us.
Another word for "holy"
Giving worship to a creature or thing instead of God
The freedom to decide when and how to act
Free Will
Honor and praise given to God because He is God
A special prayer that honors Mary, the mother of God and the life of Jesus
The Magnificat
To desire or want in a wrong way
A way we share ourselves with God and God shares himself with us
A special agreement between God and His people
Because Jesus died and rose to save us from sin, he is this
The power of God's love active in the world
Kingdom of God
This is made up of the community of people who are baptized and follow Jesus Christ
The season of waiting for the coming of our Savior
The gift of God's life in us
The good or bad that comes from our choices
The truth that the Son of God became man
The first sin committed by the first human beings
Original Sin
Part of the Bible that tells of God's friendship with His people before the birth of Jesus
Old Testement
Receiving pardon, or forgiveness, from God for our sins
Laws to help us know and fulfill our responsibilities as members of the Church
Precepts of the Church
The standard of a good life
The community of believers who worship and work together
Stories about Jesus' life are found in these books of the New Testement
Christmas is the season of the _______ of the Lord
A day of rest set apart to honor God in a special way
A quality possessed by someone who lives the commandments and beatitudes with a Christ like heart
The day the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples
Part of the mass when our gifts of bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus
Liturgy of the Eucharist
People in heaven, purgatory, and those living on earth with God's grace make up this group
Communion of Saints
The part of the Liturgy of the Eucharist where the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ
An excessive desire to have or own things
The most basic right of all humans
Right to Life
The power to know and learn about God, ourselves, and others
This can lead to taking what belongs to someone else
The mass is a celebration of this
Jesus is this, that leads us out of the darkness
Light of the World
Someone who hungers and thirsts for holiness
The gathering place where Jewish people pray and learn about God
Prayer of praise prayed during the Liturgy of the Eucharist; is know as the "Holy, holy, holy"
Doing this helps us to 1) be sorry for our sins 2) understand our faults 3) prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Examining of Conscience
The successor of St. Peter; the head of the Catholic Church (Benedict XVI)
The name that Jesus called God
The sacrament in which Jesus feeds us with His body and blood
Holy Eucharist
Seven special signs of Christ sharing His life with us
The seven gifts which help us to follow God's law and live as Jesus did
Gifts of the Holy Spirit
She wipes Jesus' face in the Stations of the Cross
During this part of the Liturgical Year, the Church remembers Jesus' suffering and death
Holy Week
The good things people can see in us when we respond to the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Fruits of the Holy Spirit
The act of worship and thanksgiving where we gather to offer ourselves to the Father with Jesus
The Mass
The head of a diocese or Archdiocese
A baptized person who has not received the sacrament of Holy Orders
Lay Person
One who is ordained to help priests and bishops
A person ordained to administer sacraments and celebrate Mass
Acts of caring for people's bodily needs
Corporal Works of Mercy
Special events in the lives of Jesus and Mary
Mysteries of the Rosary
He gave us the Beatitudes to teach us how to be happy
This is the third person of the Blessed Trinity
Holy Spirit
The sacrament in which God makes us His children, gives us His own life, and takes away all sins
The basic laws for living the covenant
Ten Commandments
Acts of caring for the needs of people's minds, heart, and soul
Spiritual Works of Mercy
He led the Israelites out of Egypt
A day set apart to celebrate a special event in the live of Jesus, Mary, or the Saints
Holy Day of Obligation
The sacrament which gives us needed gifts from the Holy Spirit and strengthens us to be Christian witnesses
Prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance
Cardinal Virtues
Teach us that God is the center of our lives
First 3 Commandments
Help us to show love and respect for ourselves and others
Last 7 Commandments
These 3 commandments show care for persons and their possessions
7th, 8th, and 9th commandments
Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist
Sacraments of Initiation
Reconciliation and Anointing of the sick
Sacraments of Healing
God sent him to a new land and become the "Father of Many Nations"
Place where God gave Moses the Ten Commandments
Mount Sinai
"You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, soul, and mind. You shall love your neighbors as yourself."
Great Commandment
The first three commandments teach us to do this
Love God
"Love one another as I have loved you"
Jesus' New Commandment
Holy Orders and Matrimony
Sacraments of Service
The Annunciation, Visitation, Nativity of the Lord, The Presentation in the Temple, and the Finding in the Temple
Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary
When the Angel Gabriel announces to Mary that she will give birth to Jesus, the Son of God.
The Annunciation
Mary's cousin Elizabeth conceives a son (John the Baptist) in old age and Mary goes to visit her
The Visitation
This Joyful Mystery is when Jesus is taken to the temple to be presented to God.
The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
This Joyful Mystery is when Jesus is left alone in the temple at 12. Mary and Joseph find him praying there 3 days later.
The Finding of Jesus in the Temple
I am the Lord your God; you shall not have strange Gods before me.
First Commandment
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
Second Commandment
Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day.
Third Commandment
Honor your Father and your Mother.
Fourth Commandment
You shall not kill.
Fifth Commandment
You shall not commit adultery.
Sixth Commandment
You shall not steal.
Seventh Commandment
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
Eighth Commandment
You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.
Ninth Commandment
You shall not covet your neighbor's goods.
Tenth Commandment
A law of God to do good or avoid evil.
Giving money to the poor.
To go without eating for a period of time for religious purposes.
The season of the Church that prepares us for the celebration of Easter.
A very serious sin that destroys our relationship with God.
Mortal Sin
A less serious sin that hurts our friendship with God.
Venial Sin
Blessed are the poor in Spirit,
for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed are they who mourn,
for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
for they will inherit the land.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be satisfied.
We pray around this to prepare for the celebration of Christmas
Advent Wreath
She wipes the face of Jesus in the Stations of the Cross
Feed the hungry, Give drink to the thirsty, Clothe the naked, Visit the imprisoned, Shelter the homeless, Visit the sick, Bury the dead
Corporal Works of Mercy
Admonish the sinner, Instruct the ignorant, Counsel the doubtful, Comfort the sorrowful, Bear wrongs patiently, Forgive all injuries, Pray for the living and the dead
Spiritual Works of Mercy
November 2: we pray for and remember those who died
All Souls Day
November 1: we celebrate the lives of those who are in heaven
Feast of All Saints
December 8th
Immaculate Conception
January 1st
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Sacred Images
statues or pictures that reminds us of God, Mary, and the Saints
Beatitudes and Ten Commandments
Jesus combined these 2 things to make one big law of love
Season when the church year begins
Sermon on the Mount
Jesus' teachings about the ideals of Christian behavior