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117 Cards in this Set

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What is the symbol for oxygen?
Which has more total energy: a cup of boiling water at 100*C or a swimming pool of slightly cooler water at 90*C?
The swimming pool
What is the name of the element with the symbol P?
Why is the process of science not restricted to any one particular method?
The scientist needs to be open to all possibilities and different ways of doing science in order to gain as much knowledge as possible from his or her research.
On the basis of its formula, BaO, choose the best classification for it.
What would you rather have: a decigram or a kilogram of gold?
WRONG ANSWER: a kilogram of gold because this is 1000 times as much as a decigram of gold
What is the name of the element with the symbol F?
If something occupies space then it is composed of ______.
Matter that has a definite volume but not a definite shape is called a(n) ______.
A colorless gas that cannot be separated into simpler substances using physical means reacts with copper to give two substances (one composed of copper and nitrogen; one composed of copper and oxygen). Choose the best classification for the original gas.
What is the name of the element with the symbol K?
What is the symbol for sodium?
Which is more evident: potential or kinetic energy?
Kinetic energy is more evident than potential energy because it involves motion.
What is the chemical symbol for magnesium?
Sufficient information is present on the periodic table in the front cover of your text book to determine the number of neutrons present in atoms of an element.
An atom as a whole is electrically neutral because all charged subatomic particles reside in the nucleus.
Given that the density of table sugar is 1.59 g/mL, 5.00 g of table sugar occupies 3.14 mL.
The equation for converting from Celsius to Kelvin involves the number 273.
This scientist was the first to propose an atomic model for matter.
This scientist proposed that particle of a gas exist as diatomic molecules
This scientist developed a chart of the elements that was an early version of the periodic table.
This scientist discovered the atomic nucleus.
This scientist discovered the neutron.
This scientist developed the law of mass conservation.
T/F: Kelvin temperatures are always positive.
Celsius equivalent of 273 K.
Fahrenheit equivalent of 0*C.
Kelvin equivalent of -20*C.
Fahrenheit equivalent of 273 K
T/F: Both electrons and protons are massive particles when compared to neutrons.
T/F: The freezing point of water has a lower numerical value on the Kelvin scale than on the Fahrenheit scale.
The nucleus of an atom accounts for how much volume of an atom?
A small volume
T/F: An isotope of chlorine with Atomic weight=35 and Z=17 contains more neutrons than protons. [Z is the number of protons in the nucleus of the atom]
T/F: The alkaline earth metals are the elements in Group IA of the periodic table.
An atom contains 26 protons, 30 neutrons and 26 electrons. The atomic number and mass number for this atom are, respectively:
26 and 56
T/F: The mass of an atom and the mass of its nucleus are essentially the same.
T/F: Most of our yearly exposure to radiation is provided by exposure to background radiation such as radon gas.
T/F: Which of the following provides the minimum amount of protection you need to block beta radiation?
Thick leather
T/F: A large nucleus is more likely to undergo radioactive decay because the nuclear forces are not as strong as the repulsive electrical forces between nucleons.
T/F: Your body contains a number of radioactive isotopes.
In Becquerels' experiments, he believed that X-ray emission from certain uranium ore samples was due to sunlight and it led to dark spots on photographic plates. What was the control experiment that led to the realization that the radiation was not due to sunlight?
Not exposing the ore sample to sunlight also produced dark spots on the photographic film.
Which of the following provides the minimum amount of protection you need to block alpha radiation?
NOT t-shirt
Radioactivity is a tendency for an element or a material to ________.
emit radiation
__________ is the process of changing one element into another by adding or removing protons from the nucleus.
What law is this?: The mass ratio of the elements in a compound will be the same regardless of how the compound was made.
The Law of Definite Proportions
What is a rem?
A unit for measuring radiation exposure
Aluminum has two isotopes; 26Al and 27Al. How many electrons does 27Al have ?
T/F: Radiation can be a useful tool. Like fire, it is only dangerous when misused.
Carbon-14 is a beta emitter, what is the likely product of radioactive decay?
A strong nuclear force is.....
very strong but has a very short range
231Proactinium decays by emitting an alpha particle and a gamma ray. What "daughter" nucleide is formed in this process?
Fermium-253 decays by emitting a beta particle and a gamma ray. Which "daughter" nucleide is formed in this process?
WRONG ANSWER: 252Fermium
A conceptual model of an atom is...
a model that illustrates the tendency of an atom to undergo radioactive decay and the products it produces
Rank the following by the relative amounts of energy, from most energetic to least: Blue light, cosmic rays, radio waves, red light
cosmic rays, blue light, red light, radio waves
T/F: A cell can be represented by a physical model.
What was Niels Bohr's explanation for the observation of atomic spectra?
Electrons could only move in discrete energy steps with an atom.
T/F: Sound waves are NOT a form of electromagnetic radiation.
How would you describe light generated by heating pure elements if it was observed through a prism or a spectroscope?
You would see a series of very sharp lines of emitted light.
Why can't we see atoms?
We see with light energy and the wavelength is larger than the object and so it is not reflected.
What is the difference between radiation and electromagnetic radiation?
Radiation is from decay of nuclei while electromagnetic radiation is any form of light.
How are frequency and wavelength related?
The higher the frequency, the lower the wavelength.
How is the term photon related to the term quantum?
A quantum of light is actually one photon.
T/F: An atom emits electromagnetic radiation when an electron moves from a lower energy level to a higher energy level.
Rank the following by relative frequency from highest to lowest: Blue light, cosmic rays, radio waves, red light
cosmic rays, blue light, red light, radio waves
How many chloride ions (Cl-1) are needed to balance the positive charge of a barium ion (Ba+2)?
T/F: Ionic compouds have a tendency to melt easily.
What is the valence shell?
It is the outermost shell of electrons in an atom.
T/F: O2 is an ion.
What is the main difference between an ionic and a covalent bond?
One is the sharing of a pair of electrons, the other is the transfer of at least one electron.
Ionic bonding is when...
one atom giving up some of its electrons to another atom
What is one role of unpaired valence electrons?
They take part in the formation of different types of bonds.
If a neutral atom loses one electron, what is the electrical charge of the atom?
How many covalent bonds would the following atom usually form? *X*
What needs to be done to convert a neutral nitrogen atom into an N^-3 species?
add 3 electrons
How many valence electrons does bromine (Br, atomic no. = 35) have?
Many of the macroscopic properties of a compound depend on _______.
how the atoms of the molecules are held together
T/F: O has 6 valence electrons.
T/F:MgCl2 has an ionic bond
In a solution made from one teaspoon of sugar and one liter of water, which is the solute?
Which of the following statements best describes what is happening in a water softening unit?
WRONG: The ions in the water softener are softened by chemically bonding with sodium.
If an ionic bond is stronger than a dipole-dipole interaction, how can water dissolve an ionic compound?
The ion-dipole interactions of a bunch of water molecules gang up on the strong ionic bond and pull it into the solution.
An aqueous solution is...
a mixture of some compound dissolved in water
The separation of charges within a polar molecule is called a(n) __________.
Which of the following is the strongest form of interatomic attraction?
WRONG: an ion-dipole interaction
Which of the following intermolecular forces best describes why nonpolar molecules like gasoline (C8H18) have only limited solubility in water?
WRONG: dipole-dipole
What statement best describes a mole (from a chemist's viewpoint)?
a very large number that chemists use to count atoms or molecules
What is molarity?
the number of moles of solute per liter of solution
Which of the following molecules would you expect to be the most strongly attracted to a Cl- ion?
Concentration is...
It is the amount of solute in a given amount of solution.
How are interatomic forces and solubility related?
WRONG:Solubility depends on the solute's ability to overcome the intermolecular forces in the solvent.
What is a hydrogen bond?
WRONG:a special type of dipole-dipole attraction involving hydrogen bound to any other atom
In a solution of 77 percent nitrogen and 23 percent oxygen, which is the solvent?
What is the main difference between a soap and a detergent?
Soaps are made from fatty acids, detergents are synthetic
Which of the following is the weakest form of interatomic attraction?
an induced dipole-induced dipole interaction
Which of the following molecules would you expect to be the least attracted to a Na+ ion?
What property primarily determines the effect of temperature on the solubility of gas molecules?
The kinetic energy of the gas
How many molecules of sucrose are in 0.5 L of a 1 molar solution of sucrose?
3.01 x 1023 molecules of sucrose
T/F: For an ice/water mixture at 0 degrees centigrade, the rate at which ice melts and freezes are both equal.
Which of the following statements describes what happens energetically during a phase change?
FIND: A or B
What is the specific heat capacity of a substance?
The amount of heat required to change the temperature of a given mass.
What happens to the temperature of something while it is boiling?
stays the same
When water freezes it expands. What is filling the extra volume?
Why does water expand when it goes from a liquid to a solid?
The water molecules become aligned in a way that creates extra volume.
Antarctica, which is mostly ice, is much colder than the Arctic, which is a mixture of ice and water. Why?
The water absorbs and releases a lot of heat that keeps the temperature from fluctuating.
If you add heat energy to water molecules in the form of ice, where does the energy go?
The energy is used to break hydrogen bonds.
What is surface tension?
It is the tendency for molecules at the surface of a liquid to hold together.
What is a cohesive force?
attraction between two molecules of a single substance
Heat is absorbed when a substance _________.
Why does sweat cool you off?
The water molecules leaving the skin as vapor absorb the heat from your skin.
What is the leading cause of surface tension in most common liquids?
WRONG: dipole-dipole bonding
What is meant by the term dynamic force?
WRONG:It is a force that changes constantly.
Why does a paper clip float when placed on water?
WRONG: The molecules of water hold together and keep it from sinking.
Which of the following contains the most heat energy?
1 gram of steam at 100 degrees centigrade
What is boiling?
It is when the vapor pressure of a liquid equals the atmospheric pressure.
What is an adhesive force?
attraction between two different molecules
Why does evaporation cool a liquid?
The departing gas molecule takes some kinetic energy with it as it leaves the surface.
What happens to a soda can left in the freezer? Why?
The soda can puffs out and sometimes the lid pops open.